
Germany: Expansionary monetary policy drives growth above potential

– Annual Report 2016/17, Chapter 3 (Download)


Transformation in China harbours risks

– Annual Report 2016/17, Chapter 12 (Download)

Working Paper

The German Council of Economic Experts (GCEE): Statutory mandate and process

– Working Paper 02/2016 by Christoph M. Schmidt (Download)

Working Paper

Keine Notwendigkeit einer Reform des Gesetzes zur Förderung der Stabilität und des Wachstums der Wirtschaft

– Working Paper 02/2015 by Henrike Michaelis, Steffen Elstner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Peter Bofinger, Lars P. Feld, Isabel Schnabel and Volker Wieland (Download)

Working Paper

Real Effects of Sovereign Bond Market Spillovers in the Euro Area

– Working Paper 01/2015 by Niklas Gadatsch (Download)

Working Paper

German Labor Market and Fiscal Reforms 1999 to 2008: Can They be Blamed for Intra-Euro Area Imbalances?

– Working Paper 05/2014 by Niklas Gadatsch, Nikolai Stähler and Benjamin Weigert (Download)