Working Paper

Trade Exposure of Western Europe to China and Eastern Europe

– Working Paper 06/2017 by Harald Badinger and Wolf Heinrich Reuter (Download)

Working Paper

Globalization: Implications for firms in Germany

– Working Paper 04/2017 by Holger Görg and Aiofe Hanley (Download)

Working Paper

Wohlfahrtseffekte der Handelsliberalisierung

– Working Paper 03/2017 by Gabriel Felbermayr, Jasmin Gröschl and Benjamin Jung (Download)

Working Paper

Spotlight on the beneficiaries of EU regional funds: A new firm-level dataset

– Working Paper 02/2017 by Julia Bachtrögler, Christoph Hammer, Wolf Heinrich Reuter and Florian Schwendinger (Download)

Working Paper

Propagation of Changes in Demand through International Trade: Case Study China

– Working Paper 10/2016 by Jochen Andritzky, Bernhard Kassner and Wolf Heinrich Reuter (Download)


Global economy: Risk of overburdening monetary policy

– Annual Report 2016/17, Chapter 2 (Download)