Working Paper

Uncertainty and the Great Recession

– Working Paper 04/2014 by Benjamin Born, Sebastian Breuer and Steffen Elstner (Download)

Working Paper

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von makroökonomischen Modellen zur (exante) Evaluierung wirtschaftspolitischer Maßnahmen

– Working Paper 05/2013 by Maik Wolters (Download)

Working Paper

Who gains from nominal devaluation? An empirical assessment of Euro-area exports and imports

– Working Paper 04/2013 by Sebastian Breuer and Jens Klose (Download)

Working Paper

Time-Varying Business Volatility, Price Setting, and the Real Effects of Monetary Policy

– Working Paper 01/2013 by Rüdiger Bachmann, Benjamin Born, Steffen Elstner and Christian Grimme (Download)

Working Paper

Beschäftigungsentwicklung innerhalb multinationaler Unternehmen während der globalen Rezession 2008/2009

– Working Paper 04/2011 by Heiko Peters and Benjamin Weigert (Download)

Working Paper

The Dark Side of the Generalized System of Preferences

– Working Paper 02/2010 by Bernhard Herz and Marco Wagner (Download)