Social Policy and Distribution of Income and Wealth


In accordance with its legal mandate, the German Council of Economic Experts examines regularly the formation and distribution of income and wealth. The German Council of Economic Experts analyses, among other things, how fiscal and social policies affect the various distribution measures. The results of these analyses are published every second year in a chapter of the Annual Report.

Social policy in particular is a decisive determinant of the distribution of income and wealth. Social systems are designed to ensure sufficient income in the event of illness, unemployment or old age. Education policy in particular influences the income distribution of tomorrow. In addition, the German Council of Economic Experts regularly analyses the development of the labour market, as opportunities on the labour market and earned income have a significant impact on inequality.

Recent publications


Housing in Germany: address shortages and facilitate access

Annual Report 2024/25, Chapter 4 (Download)

Working Paper

Alterungsschub und Rentenreform: Simulationen für GRV und Beamtenversorgung

Working Paper 01/2024 by Martin Werding, Benedikt Runschke and Milena Schwarz (Download)

Working Paper

Zur Entwicklung der Altersarmut bei Änderungen der Rentenanpassungsregeln und weiterer Reformen

Working Paper 05/2023 by Hermann Buslei, Johannes Geyer and Peter Haan (Download)
