Franco-German Council of Economic Experts
The Franco-German Council of independent Economic Experts is a permanent, bilateral body that was established on the basis of the Treaty of Aachen. It is independent and tasked with making policy recommendations on economic issues in which both countries have shared interests. The Council of Experts reports to the Franco-German Financial and Economic Council, which consists of both countries’ Ministers of Finance and Economic Affairs and the Heads of the two central banks.
The co-chair of the advisory body on the German side is the chair of the German Council of Economic Experts, Monika Schnitzer. On the French side, the co-chair is Camille Landais.
The co-chairs can each appoint up to four additional scientists to the Expert Council for the German and French sides, respectively. Since 2023, it is provided to appoint the other members on a temporary basis for specific joint projects. The activity for the advisory board is a personal honorary office. Members may not be members of the government or of legislative bodies at federal, state or French level.