
Productivity growth through innovation: Advancing digitalisation

– National Productivity Report 2020 (Download; published in the Annual Report 2020/21, Chapter 5)

Working Paper

Current developments in green finance

– Working Paper 05/2020 by Lena Liebich, Lukas Nöh, Felix Rutkowski and Milena Schwarz (Download)

Working Paper

Die Folgen der Industrieschwäche für die Binnenwirtschaft

– Working Paper 04/2020 by Sebastian Weiske (Download)


Severe Economic Slump Followed by Gradual Recovery

– Economic Outlook for 2020 and 2021 published: The German Council of Economic Experts expects the economy in Germany and the euro area to decline significantly due to the coronavirus pandemic by 6.5 % and 8.5 % in 2020, respectively.

Working Paper

Auswirkungen einer CO2-Bepreisung auf die Verbraucherpreisinflation

– Working Paper 03/2020 by Lukas Nöh, Felix Rutkowski and Milena Schwarz (Download)

By-lined Article

Economic stimulus package targeting of structural change

– In the newspaper 'Süddeutsche Zeitung', the GCEE describes three key stimulus measures that fulfil the claim of having a targeted effect, supporting economic recovery and accompanying structural change (in German only).