
Emerging stronger from the crisis together

– Annual Report 2020/21, Chapter 3 (Download)

Press Release

Productivity Growth Through Innovation: Advancing Digitalisation

– The coronavirus pandemic has triggered a surge in digitalisation, at the same time, deficits have become apparent. The GCEE analyses in its annual national productivity report the factors and conditions for productivity growth and competitiveness.


Economic situation: Recovery depends on the course of the pandemic

– Annual Report 2020/21, Chapter 1 (Download)

Working Paper

Tabellenband – Fragen zur Mehrwertsteuersenkung und zum Konsum- und Sparverhalten

– Working Paper 08/2020 by infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH (Download)

Working Paper

Rentenfinanzen und fiskalische Tragfähigkeit: Aktueller Rechtsstand und Effekte verschiedener Reformen

– Working Paper 06/2020 by Martin Werding (Download)

Working Paper

Zur Wirkung der Grundrente und der Mütterrente auf die Altersarmut

– Working Paper 07/2020 by Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan and Michelle Harnisch (Download)