
Low interest rates not appropriate for either euro area or Germany

– Annual Report 2016/17, Chapter 5 (Download)


Euro Area: Slow Down Bond Purchases, Speed up Reforms

– Annual Report 2015/16, Chapter 4 (Download)

Working Paper

Schätzung des mittelfristigen Gleichgewichtszinses in den Vereinigten Staaten, Deutschland und dem Euro-Raum mit der Laubach-Williams-Methode

– Working Paper 03/2015 by Robert C. M. Beyer and Volker Wieland (Download)

Working Paper

Time-Varying Business Volatility, Price Setting, and the Real Effects of Monetary Policy

– Working Paper 01/2013 by Rüdiger Bachmann, Benjamin Born, Steffen Elstner and Christian Grimme (Download)

Working Paper

Sovereign yield spreads during the Euro-crisis – Fundamental factors versus redenomination risk

– Working Paper 07/2012 by Jens Klose and Benjamin Weigert (Download)