Working Paper

A Note on the Synchronisation of the Natural Rates of Interest in Germany and the Euro Area

– Working Paper 03/2024 by Tino Berger and Christian Ochsner (Download)

Working Paper

Abschätzung der Wirkung der Gaspreisbremse auf Inflation und fiskalische Kosten

– Working Paper 01/2023 by Niklas Garnadt, Lukas Nöh, Leonard Salzmann and Claudia Schaffranka (Download)


Inflation and monetary policy

– Annual Report 2022/23, Chapter 2 (Download)

Working Paper

Unconventionally green: Monetary policy between engagement and conflicting goals

– Working Paper 05/2021 by Lena Liebich, Lukas Nöh, Felix Rutkowski and Milena Schwarz (Download)


Normalising fiscal and monetary policy after the coronavirus crisis

– Annual Report 2021/22, Chapter 2 (Download)

Working Paper

Current developments in green finance

– Working Paper 05/2020 by Lena Liebich, Lukas Nöh, Felix Rutkowski and Milena Schwarz (Download)