
Economic situation: Recovery depends on the course of the pandemic

– Annual Report 2020/21, Chapter 1 (Download)

Working Paper

Tabellenband – Fragen zur Mehrwertsteuersenkung und zum Konsum- und Sparverhalten

– Working Paper 08/2020 by infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH (Download)

Working Paper

Die Folgen der Industrieschwäche für die Binnenwirtschaft

– Working Paper 04/2020 by Sebastian Weiske (Download)


Severe Economic Slump Followed by Gradual Recovery

– Economic Outlook for 2020 and 2021 published: The German Council of Economic Experts expects the economy in Germany and the euro area to decline significantly due to the coronavirus pandemic by 6.5 % and 8.5 % in 2020, respectively.

By-lined Article

Economic stimulus package targeting of structural change

– In the newspaper 'Süddeutsche Zeitung', the GCEE describes three key stimulus measures that fulfil the claim of having a targeted effect, supporting economic recovery and accompanying structural change (in German only).

Working Paper

Nachfrage- und angebotsseitige Einschränkungen der wirtschaftlichen Aktivität in Deutschland infolge der Corona-Pandemie

– Working Paper 02/2020 by Jan L. Fries, Niklas Garnadt, Jens Herold, Florian Kirsch, Franziska K. Lembcke, Pia Molitor, Lukas Nöh, Malte Preuß, Wolf H. Reuter, Felix Rutkowski, Milena Schwarz, Sebastian Weiske and Mustafa Yeter (Download)