By-lined Article

Utilising the crisis for digitalisation

– In a by-lined article in the newspaper ‘Handelsblatt’, the GCEE describes that the Coronavirus crisis should be utilised for digitalisation, especially to increase productivity and growth in Germany (in German only).

Press Release

Productivity Growth Through Innovation: Advancing Digitalisation

– The coronavirus pandemic has triggered a surge in digitalisation, at the same time, deficits have become apparent. The GCEE analyses in its annual national productivity report the factors and conditions for productivity growth and competitiveness.


Annual Report 2020/21: Overcoming the Coronavirus Together; Strengthening Resilience and Growth

– The German Council of Economic Experts has published its Annual Report 2020/21. It is titled "Overcoming the Coronavirus Together; Strengthening Resilience and Growth".

On our behalf

Annual Report 2020/21 to be published on 11 November

– On 11 November 2020, the German Council of Economic Experts will present its Annual Report to the German government.

Press Release

Overcoming the Coronavirus Crisis Together; Strengthening Resilience and Growth

– Economic policymakers are faced with the task of overcoming the severe recession while also meeting the long-term challenges to the German economy.

On our behalf

Quiet period begins: Handover of annual report on 11 November

– Today is the first day of the quiet period of the German Council of Economic Experts. The council members will not make any public statements until the annual report is handed over to the German government on Wednesday, 11 November 2020.