Dr. Philipp Hauber


Peer Reviewed Journals

Lehmann-Hasemeyer, S., P. Hauber and A. Opitz (2014), The political stock market in the German Kaiserreich — Do markets punish the extension of the suffrage to the benefit of the working class? Evidence from Saxony, Journal of Economic History 74 (4), 1140–1167.

Discussion Papers

Hauber, P. and C. Schumacher (2021), Precision-based sampling with missing observations: A factor model application, Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper 11/2021, Frankfurt am Main.

Further Publications

Gern, K.-J. and P. Hauber (2021), China’s economy at the crossroads, in: Wang, B. and T. Just (eds.), Understanding China’s Real Estate Markets: Development, Finance, and Investment, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 35–52.

Hauber, P. (2021), US-Wirtschaftspolitik unter Joe Biden: Pläne und Umsetzbarkeit vor dem Hintergrund der Covid-19-Pandemie, ifo Schnelldienst 74 (1), 3–5.

Gern, K.-J., P. Hauber and U. Stolzenburg (2020), Weltweiter Corona-Schock am Arbeitsmarkt, Wirtschaftsdienst 100 (5), 387–388.

Gern, K.-J. and P. Hauber (2019), Konjunkturabschwächung in China, Wirtschaftsdienst 99 (3), 227–228.