Working Paper

Labour reallocation dynamics in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic and past recessions

– Working Paper 08/2021 by Niklas Garnadt, Christina von Rüden and Esther Thiel (Download)

Working Paper

Measuring the online platform economy in Germany

– Working Paper 07/2021 by Hannah-Maria Hildenbrand, Christina von Rüden and Steffen Viete (Download)

Working Paper

Unconventionally green: Monetary policy between engagement and conflicting goals

– Working Paper 05/2021 by Lena Liebich, Lukas Nöh, Felix Rutkowski and Milena Schwarz (Download)

Working Paper

Anreizwirkungen des deutschen Steuer- und Transfersystems auf das Erwerbsangebot von Zweitverdienenden

– Working Paper 06/2021 by Franziska K. Lembcke, Lukas Nöh and Milena Schwarz (Download)

Working Paper

Die Bedeutung des internationalen Investitionsschutzrechts für den Klimaschutz: Konfliktlinien und Konvergenzen

– Working Paper 04/2021 by Jörg Gundel (Download)


Normalising fiscal and monetary policy after the coronavirus crisis

– Annual Report 2021/22, Chapter 2 (Download)