Working Paper

Kapitalertragsbesteuerung und Kapitalkosten

– Working Paper 05/2010 by Wolfgang Wiegard and Dominik Rumpf (Download)

Working Paper

Vom Binnenmarkt zur Bankenunion: Ein Vorschlag des Sachverständigenrates zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung

– Working Paper 09/2012 by the German Council of Economic Experts (Download)

Working Paper

From the Internal Market to a Banking Union: A Proposal by the German Council of Economic Experts

– Working Paper 08/2012 by the German Council of Economic Experts (Download)

Working Paper

Sovereign yield spreads during the Euro-crisis – Fundamental factors versus redenomination risk

– Working Paper 07/2012 by Jens Klose and Benjamin Weigert (Download)

Working Paper

Zusatzbeiträge in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung – Weiterentwicklungsoptionen und ihre finanziellen sowie allokativen Effekte

– Working Paper 06/2012 by Manuel Kallweit and Anabell Kohlmeier (Download)

Working Paper

Expertise zur Entwicklung der Lohnungleichheit in Deutschland

– Working Paper 04/2012 by Bernd Fitzenberger (Download)