Policy Brief

Short-term outlook for the German economy has improved slightly

– The short-term outlook for the German economy has improved slightly compared to autumn 2022, but the situation remains strained. High inflation continues to inhibit the economy this year. The loss of purchasing power due to inflation, tighter financing…


Scientific Workshop on Productivity

– On 20 June, a scientific workshop was held for the second time as part of the National Productivity Dialogue.

Working Paper

Alterungsschub und Rentenreform: Simulationen für GRV und Beamtenversorgung

– Working Paper 01/2024 by Martin Werding, Benedikt Runschke and Milena Schwarz (Download)

Working Paper

Zur Entwicklung der Altersarmut bei Änderungen der Rentenanpassungsregeln und weiterer Reformen

– Working Paper 05/2023 by Hermann Buslei, Johannes Geyer and Peter Haan (Download)

Working Paper

Reformoptionen im deutschen Grundsicherungs- und Transfersystem sowie bei der Ehegattenbesteuerung

– Working Paper 04/2023 by Maximilian Blömer and Andreas Peichl (Download)

Working Paper

Report on the institutional and regulatory differences between the american and european securitization markets

– Working Paper 03/2023 by Adam J. Levitin (Download)