
Proposals to reform fiscal rules in the Eurozone

– A joint statement of the French and German Economic Councils. (Download)


Enhanced Fiscal Integration in the EMU?

– Proceedings of the joint workshop, organised by the European Commission, the European Stability Mechanism and the German Council of Economic Experts (Download)

Working Paper

Towards a more resilient euro area

– Ebook – Ideas from the ‘Future Europe’ Forum – Jochen Andritzky and Jörg Rocholl (eds.), (Download)

Working Paper

Datierung der deutschen Konjunkturzyklen – die Methode des Sachverständigenrates

– Working Paper 13/2018 by Sebastian Breuer, Florian Kirsch, Steffen Elstner and Volker Wieland (Download)

Working Paper

Modeling Fiscal Sustainability in Dynamic Macro-Panels with Heterogenous Effects: Evidence from German Federal States

– Working Paper 03/2018 by Lars P. Feld, Ekkehard A. Köhler and Julia Wolfinger (Download)


Economic update March 2018

– The German Council of Economic Experts (GCEE) has slightly revised upwards its growth forecast for 2018 and now expects real gross domestic product (GDP) to grow by 2.3 % in 2018 and 1.8 % in 2019.