
No quick solutions in housing policy

– Annual Report 2018/19, Chapter 7 (Download)


Facing international tax competition

– Annual Report 2018/19, Chapter 6 (Download)

Working Paper

International spillover effects of U.S. tax reforms: Evidence from Germany

– Working Paper 08/2018 by Désirée I. Christofzik and Steffen Elstner (Download)

Working Paper

Uniting European Fiscal Rules: How to Strenghten the Fiscal Framework

– Working Paper 04/2018 by Désirée I. Christofzik, Lars P. Feld, Wolf Heinrich Reuter and Mustafa Yeter (Download)

Working Paper

Modeling Fiscal Sustainability in Dynamic Macro-Panels with Heterogenous Effects: Evidence from German Federal States

– Working Paper 03/2018 by Lars P. Feld, Ekkehard A. Köhler and Julia Wolfinger (Download)

Working Paper

Grenzabschöpfungsraten im deutschen Finanzausgleich

– Working Paper 02/2018 by Heiko T. Burret, Yannick Bury and Lars P. Feld (Download)