In a by-lined article, the GCEE argues for further incentives to save energy and gas to highlight the urgency of the situation: In view of the energy crisis, energy-saving incentives, an expansion of the energy supply and targeted benefits are necessary.
In a by-lined article in the German weekly WirtschaftsWoche, the GCEE argues for strong signals, clear incentives and transparent communication towards households and businesses to save energy and thus increase energy security.
Working Paper 01/2022 by Eva Berger, Sylwia Bialek, Niklas Garnadt, Veronika Grimm, Lars Other, Leonard Salzmann, Monika Schnitzer, Achim Truger and Volker Wieland (Download)
In a by-lined article, the GCEE explains the risks associated with dependence on Russian energy sources and possible measures to end the dependence and to reduce the effects of a suspension of Russian energy supplies in the short term.