Working Paper

Wirtschaftliche Fol­gen des Gaspreisanstiegs für die deutsche In­dus­trie

– Work­ing Paper 04/2022 by Stef­fen Müller and Matthias Mertens (Down­load)

By-lined Article

A prag­matic ap­proach and a will to com­pro­mise are needed

– In a by-​lined ar­ti­cle, the GCEE ar­gues for fur­ther in­cen­tives to save en­ergy and gas to high­light the ur­gency of the sit­u­a­tion: In view of the en­ergy cri­sis, energy-​saving in­cen­tives, an ex­pan­sion of the en­ergy sup­ply and tar­geted ben­e­fits are nec­es­sary.

By-lined Article

Strong sig­nals and in­cen­tives needed

– In a by-​lined ar­ti­cle in the Ger­man weekly WirtschaftsWoche, the GCEE ar­gues for strong sig­nals, clear in­cen­tives and trans­par­ent com­mu­ni­ca­tion to­wards house­holds and busi­nesses to save en­ergy and thus in­crease en­ergy se­cu­rity.

Working Paper

A po­ten­tial sud­den stop of en­ergy im­ports from Rus­sia: Ef­fects on en­ergy se­cu­rity and eco­nomic out­put in Ger­many and the EU

– Work­ing Paper 01/2022 by Eva Berger, Syl­wia Bialek, Niklas Gar­nadt, Veronika Grimm, Lars Other, Leonard Salz­mann, Monika Schnitzer, Achim Truger and Volker Wieland (Down­load)

By-lined Article

Sus­pen­sion of Russ­ian en­ergy sup­plies could lead to a re­ces­sion

– In a by-​lined ar­ti­cle, the GCEE ex­plains the risks as­so­ci­ated with de­pen­dence on Russ­ian en­ergy sources and pos­si­ble mea­sures to end the de­pen­dence and to re­duce the ef­fects of a sus­pen­sion of Russ­ian en­ergy sup­plies in the short term.

Working Paper

Un­con­ven­tion­ally green: Mon­e­tary pol­icy be­tween en­gage­ment and con­flict­ing goals

– Work­ing Paper 05/2021 by Lena Liebich, Lukas Nöh, Felix Rutkowski and Milena Schwarz (Down­load)