Working Papers

The views and opinions expressed in the working papers and blogs published in this section are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the German Council of Economic Experts.

Working Paper

Labour reallocation dynamics in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic and past recessions

– Working Paper 08/2021 by Niklas Garnadt, Christina von Rüden and Esther Thiel (Download)

Working Paper

Measuring the online platform economy in Germany

– Working Paper 07/2021 by Hannah-Maria Hildenbrand, Christina von Rüden and Steffen Viete (Download)

Working Paper

Unconventionally green: Monetary policy between engagement and conflicting goals

– Working Paper 05/2021 by Lena Liebich, Lukas Nöh, Felix Rutkowski and Milena Schwarz (Download)

Working Paper

Anreizwirkungen des deutschen Steuer- und Transfersystems auf das Erwerbsangebot von Zweitverdienenden

– Working Paper 06/2021 by Franziska K. Lembcke, Lukas Nöh and Milena Schwarz (Download)

Working Paper

Die Bedeutung des internationalen Investitionsschutzrechts für den Klimaschutz: Konfliktlinien und Konvergenzen

– Working Paper 04/2021 by Jörg Gundel (Download)

Working Paper

A unified approach for jointly estimating the business and financial cycle, and the role of financial factors

– Working Paper 02/2021 by Tino Berger, Julia Richter and Benjamin Wong (Download)

Working Paper

Von der Corona-bedingten Schuldenaufnahme zur Wiedereinhaltung der Schuldenbremse

– Working Paper 01/20201 by Lars P. Feld, Lukas Nöh, Wolf Heinrich Reuter and Mustafa Yeter (Download)