Working Papers

The views and opinions expressed in the working papers and blogs published in this section are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the German Council of Economic Experts.

Working Paper

Influx of refugees: Integration as a key challenge

– Working Paper 09/2016 by Jochen Andritzky, Bodo Aretz, Désirée I. Christofzik and Christoph M. Schmidt (Download)

Working Paper

Propagation of Changes in Demand through International Trade: Case Study China

– Working Paper 10/2016 by Jochen Andritzky, Bernhard Kassner and Wolf Heinrich Reuter (Download)

Working Paper

Zur Vereinheitlichung des Rentenrechts

– Working Paper 08/2016 by Lars P. Feld and Anabell Kohlmeier (Download)

Working Paper

What Drives the Relationship between Bank and Sovereign Credit Risk?

– Working Paper 07/2016 by Isabel Schnabel and Ulrich Schüwer (Download)

Working Paper

15 Jahre Riester – eine Bilanz

– Working Paper 12/2016 by Axel Börsch-Supan, Tabea Bucher-Koenen, Nicolas Goll and Christina Maier (Download)

Working Paper

Auswirkungen der Flüchtlingsmigration auf die langfristige Tragfähigkeit der öffentlichen Finanzen

– Working Paper 06/2016 by Bodo Aretz, Désirée I. Christofzik, Uwe Scheuering and Martin Werding (Download)

Working Paper

An Analysis of Euro Area Bond Maturities and Simulation of the Introduction of New CACs

– Working Paper 11/2016 by Frederik Eidam (Download)

Working Paper

Rentenfinanzierung im demographischen Wandel: Tragfähigkeitsprobleme und Handlungsoptionen

– Working Paper 05/2016 by Martin Werding (Download)

Working Paper

Bedingt abwehrbereit: Deutschland im digitalen Wandel

– Working Paper 03/2016 by Steffen Elstner, Lars P. Feld and Christoph M. Schmidt (Download)

Working Paper

A Mechanism to Regulate Sovereign Debt Restructuring in the Euro Area

– Working Paper 04/2016 by Jochen Andritzky, Désirée I. Christofzik, Lars P. Feld and Uwe Scheuering (Download)

Working Paper

The German Council of Economic Experts (GCEE): Statutory mandate and process

– Working Paper 02/2016 by Christoph M. Schmidt (Download)

Working Paper

A proposal for ending the privileges for sovereign exposures in banking regulation

– VoxEU blog post by Jochen Andritzky, Niklas Gadatsch, Tobias Körner, Alexander Schäfer and Isabel Schnabel