Working Papers

The views and opinions expressed in the working papers and blogs published in this section are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the German Council of Economic Experts.

Working Paper

Vom Binnenmarkt zur Bankenunion: Ein Vorschlag des Sachverständigenrates zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung

– Working Paper 09/2012 by the German Council of Economic Experts (Download)

Working Paper

From the Internal Market to a Banking Union: A Proposal by the German Council of Economic Experts

– Working Paper 08/2012 by the German Council of Economic Experts (Download)

Working Paper

Sovereign yield spreads during the Euro-crisis – Fundamental factors versus redenomination risk

– Working Paper 07/2012 by Jens Klose and Benjamin Weigert (Download)

Working Paper

Zusatzbeiträge in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung – Weiterentwicklungsoptionen und ihre finanziellen sowie allokativen Effekte

– Working Paper 06/2012 by Manuel Kallweit and Anabell Kohlmeier (Download)

Working Paper

Expertise zur Entwicklung der Lohnungleichheit in Deutschland

– Working Paper 04/2012 by Bernd Fitzenberger (Download)

Working Paper

Legacy problems in transition to a banking union

– VoxEU blog post by Claudia M. Buch and Benjamin Weigert

Working Paper

Energiepolitik: Erfolgreiche Energiewende nur im europäischen Kontext

– Working Paper 03/2012 by Malte Hübner, Christoph M. Schmidt and Benjamin Weigert (Download)

Working Paper

The European Redemption Pact: An Illustrative Guide

– Working Paper 02/2012 by Hasan Doluca, Malte Hübner, Dominik Rumpf and Benjamin Weigert (Download)

Working Paper

Der Europäische Schuldentilgungspakt – Fragen und Antworten

– Working Paper 01/2012 by the German Council of Economic Experts (Download)