On our behalf

Professor Volker Wieland receives ‘Public Service Fellowship’

– Volker Wieland received the ‘Public Service Fellowship’ from the Alfons and Gertrud Kassel-Foundation at the Goethe University Frankfurt on June 20. The award recognizes his achievements in linking aspects of scientific, political and social relevance in his…


International Conference in Madrid

– On June 9, 2017, the AIReF (Autoridad Independiente de Responsabilidad Fiscal) hosted the second international conference of councils on economic policy in Madrid. It included participants from the councils of Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan,…

On our behalf

Council participates in federal government’s new High-Tech Strategy

– Professor Christoph M. Schmidt and his fellow members of the High-Tech Forum, whose key task is to make specific recommendations for implementing and advancing the new High-Tech Strategy of the Federal Government, have presented their guidance for innovation…

Press Release

Reappointment of Prof. Schnabel for the German Council of Economic Experts

– Today, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Brigitte Zypries, appointed Prof. Dr. Isabel Schnabel for another term to the German Council of Economic Experts. The term runs until February 2022. Isabel Schnabel was first appointed to the Council…


Update of the economic forecast

– The German Council of Economic Experts has updated its economic forecast. Growth prospects for 2017 were slighty revised updwards. The Council now expects German real gross domestic product (GDP) to grow by 1.4 % in 2017 and 1.6 % in 2018. Full press release…

Press Release

Cabinet’s proposal regarding the reappointment of Prof. Isabel Schnabel

– The German cabinet has decided to propose the reappointment of Professor Dr. Isabel Schnabel for the German Council of Economic Experts to the Federal President Joachim Gauck. The second term of Professor Schnabel would end on 28 February 2022. Professor…